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Showing posts from June 6, 2013

Art - Weaving

This is how my blog started... Arts and Crafts has always been a big part of my life. I've helped my children appreciate and enjoy art. I taught children in religious school using crafts. I made gifts, decorated tables and social halls for many events and made things for our home. Knowing how much I like to create, a friend challenged me to make 100 crafts in 100 days and post them on Facebook. I knew I could make 100 creative things but posting them on Facebook was WAY out of my comfort zone. Starting a Blog where only people interested in crafts and recipes could find me was more in my comfort zone. However, this last year I have been doing many things out of my comfort zone and not only have I survived but have grown, changed and love my life even more. I accepted the challenge and posted my first craft on Facebook on 2/22/13. I hope my blog will inspire and challenge you to... CREATE EVERYDAY.